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About PhotoVoice: Untold Minds

In 2014 Compassionate Touch Network adapted a unique visual storytelling model, PhotoVoice, to develop Untold Minds, a dynamic approach to sharing photos, telling stories, and changing communities. At the heart of Untold Minds is the belief in giving voice to the individual and collective experiences of individuals living with mental illness.


Untold Minds engages a one-on-one mentorship program. Mentors who are involved with photography either professionally or as a hobby guide the artists through the PhotoVoice process, devoting fifteen to twenty hours over the course of two months. The mentorship relationship includes photo field trips and support in photo selection. Each artist participant learns to use their camera to capture images that hold meaning for them. With the assistance of their mentor, they build a narrative that reflects how the photo speaks to their personal story. 

The artists hope that their stories will break through the isolation and stigma they face because they live with mental illness.


PRICE: Framed / $185; Unframed / $85

Each piece is high end paper on foam core and placed under glass.

Thank you to the New Mexico Arts, a division of the New Mexico Department of Cultural Affairs, and the National Endowment for the Arts for their support of PhotoVoice: Untold Minds 2019.  

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